Name: Cathy Benn
What is your official title? Parish Visitor
What would your title be if all titles were completely honest? What does this title say about your work at First Plymouth? Parish Nurse and Visitor.. Many of peoples concerns are health related. I don't have all the answers by far but I do have a nursing background.
How long have you worked at First Plymouth? Three years as of April 1st 2010
What's the best part of your average work day? The visit itself . I have the best job.
What hobbies or interests do you have outside of church? I love to paint paintings. I love to make pottery. I love my garden but I can't work in it as much as I used to because I can't get down on my knees so my gardener, Warren, helps me out so I guess you could say 'I love to look at my garden.' I love to take pictures. I like to bake bread and read and most of all I love to visit with someone who will laugh with me.
Let's play the "two truths and a lie" game. What are two things that are true about you, and one that is a lie? We'll let people guess in the comments section. I love to cook . I have dual citizenship. I have a bear phobia.
What other employment have you had in the past? I worked in pediatric intensive as an RN at the Health Sciences Center in Winnipeg Manitoba as well as an Urology and Orthopedics ward. An Allergy Clinic in Windsor Ontario, A Student Health Service at the University of Manitoba. I worked for Brilliant Ideas, a small business marketing business here in Denver. I had my own basket business with a friend 'The Golden Basket' I worked at the 'Listening Post' for Mabel Barth as a coordinator and I worked for Christian Living Campuses as a Director Of Activities.
How do you spend most of your non-work time? I split it up pretty evenly between my interests. My husband, hobbies ,chores and family. So predictable.
What's your favorite food? Apples that are both tart and sweet. 'Chips Pinks' in season.
What is your least favorite food? Lima beans
What's your favorite season of the church year, and why? Christmas of course because in that season people seem to show their love and compassionate feelings for one another.
What do you believe, in 25 words or less? I believe that there exists a greater consciousness and that we all make up its nature and that it can have an affect on each of us. I believe that we have a higher consciousness in all of us and we decide if we will tap into it.
Tell us something impressive about yourself. I love teenagers
What big new things are you working on at church? The biggest thing I'm working on is trying to be true to my self and yet be supportive.
Where are you happiest? On a walk in nature. Corny right?
What's one more thing that people should know about you? I am direct!
Cathy's a dear person who has helped many a FPer through tough times, including me. She was there for me when my husband died. She can listen, which says a lot in today's world where everybody wants to talk. Not enough people know about Cathy, and she should be one of the first people new members should meet! Okay, which one is the lie? I predict she doesn't have a "bear phobia."